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Where To Install Your Thermostat

For your underfloor heating system to work effectively you will need to have thermostats installed in your home. These could be used to control zones or individual rooms but whichever option you choose, it’s important to ensure the thermostat is installed in the correct position and location. In this guide, we look at the best practices and industry recommendations relating to thermostat placement guidelines and why they are so important.

Why Thermostat Placement Matters

The location in which you decide to place your heating thermostat could significantly impact room temperatures and ultimately your heating bills. That’s because the thermostat takes readings from the ambient air temperature. Your underfloor heating thermostat should therefore be situated in a location that is not prone to draughts such as a narrow hallway.

Impact on Heating Efficiency

If your heating thermostat is placed in the wrong place then room temperatures could fall well below expectations. This might encourage you to turn up the heating so that the desired temperature for specific rooms is eventually reached. The difference might only be a degree or two but the overall cost and waste elements could be substantial.

Comfort and Consistency

One of the most important features of your heating system, including ProWarm thermostats, is it being able to deliver a comfortable temperature consistently to all the rooms in each zone. For example, you would expect your living room or lounge to heat up to a comfortable temperature each time you switch your heating on. If there are notable inconsistencies in temperatures then the problem could simply be down to your thermostat’s location.

Thermostat Placement Guidelines And Best Practices

As your thermostat is influenced by internal airflow and air temperature, it’s important to ensure that thermostats are positioned in a location away from draughts and preferably somewhere where the air is stable. A room that is somewhere near the centre of your home is best and preferably one that is used most often.

Places To Avoid

  • Never position a thermostat above a radiator or other heat source.
  • Don’t position your thermostat in a kitchen or bathroom.
  • Avoid areas that are subject to direct sunlight.
  • Don’t position a thermostat in a hallway or other area susceptible to draughts such as an air vent, near windows or near doors.

Best Locations For Thermostats

It is recommended that a heating thermostat be placed in a position that is easy to reach, which is usually at a height of approximately 5 feet from the floor and fixed to the middle of an internal wall. If the thermostat was positioned any higher than 5 feet then it could be in a position that is warmer than the average because heat rises. An external wall would be much cooler and would therefore send a false signal to the boiler.

Centralised Locations

A centralised location includes any room that does not have an external wall but typically a wall in a front room is most often the room of choice.

Frequently Used Rooms

A room that is used most frequently, such as a living room or lounge is recommended as the ideal location for a thermostat. Also, the desired room temperature is more likely to be reached in a room where the thermostat is located.

Interior Walls

Interior walls are much better than exterior walls where temperatures are prone to fluctuations.

Installation and Setup Tips

Should you install your thermostat yourself or leave it to the professionals?

Professional Installation vs. DIY

Heating engineers install many different brands of thermostats as part of their everyday job so they are much more likely to know exactly where the best place to position your thermostat is. If you intend to fit your thermostat yourself then be sure to check out the following list of common mistakes.

Common Installation Mistakes to Avoid

Setting the wrong temperature is often a mistake that is made without realising at it first. Ensure you set minimum and maximum settings for both the summer and winter months.

If you have positioned your thermostat too near a heat source then it will turn off before it reaches the desired setting.

Turning up the thermostat setting to heat a room more quickly doesn’t work. It will still take the same amount of time to reach the desired temperature setting.

Don’t leave your heating on continuously even if it is on a low setting. This is not cost-effective.

Ensure the thermostat is kept clean and free of dust and grime, which can impact its effective operation.

Check out our range of thermostats for more information.

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